Columbia Road Trip Collection, Rob Ament

No Littering helps to Stop Road Kills. Really. South Africa. Credit: Wendy Collinson.

Endangered Delmara Fox Squirrel crossing sign, Maryland.
Credit: Brandon Jutz "The sign is to Maryland Transportation Standards and people often stop for a photo. It definitely makes people pay attention."

Whoops. That's not Baboons. (but the intent is there ... ) South Africa. Wendy Collinson.

Traffic bumps can help, but don't always work. This graffiti would be funny if it weren't so true. Queensland Australia.
Credit: Kristina Ernest.

Cutest wildlife crossing sign award? Nene Goose and gosling, Maui, Hawii. Credit: Todd Martin

Wildlife Crossing Signs are better than nothing (and sometimes make the difference), but too often; this happens, anyway.

And a little closer to home - Maine DOT seasonal and permanent signage. Thanks, Susan Ekdahl for these.

Goose Crossing, New Brunswick. A personal favourite. Not a unique sign, but ... the Goose family crossing.

And yes, even Hippos need drivers to watch out for them, and give leeway.